Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Ohio, Texas, and shit's about to get ugly

This really scares me (from today's Times)

The results will also embolden her campaign’s efforts to persuade the Democratic Party to factor in the delegates from Florida and Michigan, her advisers say.

My blood boils every time she mentions her victories in Michigan and Florida. Her, yesterday:

"We’ve won Florida, Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, Michigan, New Hampshire, Arkansas, California, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Oklahoma and Tennessee!”

Remember her ridiculous "victory party" on January 29th? Remember the mockery it (rightly) received? From Dana Milbank in the Washington Post, those distant weeks ago:

Yes, Clinton, as expected, beat Barack Obama by a wide margin in the Florida primary. But all the Democratic candidates had agreed months ago to boycott the contest after the Democratic National Committee stripped Florida of its delegates to punish the state for moving up its primary date. The result was a primary without purpose, a show about nothing.

But in a political stunt worthy of the late Evel Knievel, the Clinton campaign decided to put on an ersatz victory party that, it hoped, would erase memories of Obama's actual victory Saturday night in South Carolina's Democratic primary. "Thank you, Florida Democrats!" Clinton shouted to the cheering throng. "I am thrilled to have this vote of confidence."

Hillary, you want to campaign for each voter yet to cast a vote, go for it. Be democracy in action. You want to get nasty? I think it's a mistake, in the long term for the party, and in the short term for us, but... whatever. But you have NO BUSINESS GOING AFTER DELEGATES WHOM THE WHOLE PARTY--INCLUDING YOU--AGREED SHOULD BE EXCLUDED.


Apparently, negative campaigning could be working for her:

For Democrats, and particularly for Mrs. Clinton, the contests were as consequential as any to date. To that end, Mrs. Clinton delivered some of the toughest attacks of her campaign over the weekend....There was evidence that the attacks had some effects. Mrs. Clinton did well among the 20 percent of voters in both states who said they made their decision in the last three days. She won about 60 percent of those voters in Texas and about 55 percent of those who voted in Ohio, according to exit polls conducted statewide.


Something more coherent to follow.

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